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Video Category: Tips / Troubleshooting

Colder weather has arrived in the Ohio region and that means you are ready for your furnace to work in full force to keep your home comfortable this season. After the surge

Here at Logan Services, we take pride in offering you the best HVAC equipment combinations available for your home and your comfort needs. When it comes to Dayton, Columbus, and Cincinnati heating

While you look forward to the fall season with cooler temperatures, don’t forget that there is still plenty of warm weather left. With at least another month of hot

School is out, and it’s time for summer vacation, but no matter what your age, the learning should never stop. To encourage summer learning and helping with

With temperatures heating up and your air conditioner running harder to keep your home comfortable, you might start thinking about the age of your system. The age of your air

Is you home 10 years old or younger? If so, it’s possible that your heating and cooling system is “builder’s grade” equipment. If you are relying on this type

While the colder weather continues to come and go through this stretch of spring, homeowners may be getting anxious to turn off the heat and get their air conditioners ready for warmer weather. 

With spring in full force, you may have a list of home projects to get done. One of those projects may include finishing your basement. Did you know that there

Summer is a time to enjoy so many activities and exciting events. However, summer is also the time of year when seasonal allergies stemming from pollen, grasses,

Not so long ago in a neighborhood not so far away, homeowners were getting ready for warmer temperatures – wondering how they were going to keep control


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