UV Light Purifiers are a great addition to your HVAC system because they offer many clean air benefits in your home. Research indicates that 99.9% of viruses and bacteria within your air ducts can be destroyed using UV light technology to improve air quality.
As this indoor air quality product grows in popularity here in the Ohio region, we’d like to take the time to answer some common questions we receive from homeowners regarding the maintenance and upkeep of their UV Light Purifier system.
Read below to learn more details about what to expect after your UV Light system has been installed.
How Long Do UV Light Bulbs Last?
As with any light in your home, the UV bulb will need to be replaced at some point. Your specific UV light bulb’s lifespan will depend on the type of system, as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations. Generally speaking, a UV bulb will last anywhere between 1-5 years. A ‘blue tube’ system bulb will typically last for 1 to 2 years, while the APCO or APCO X light bulb can be expected to last upwards of 3 to 5 years.
How Do You Know If It’s Time To Replace Your UV Light Bulb?
Simply by looking at the ductwork area that your UV light is located, you should be able to tell if the bulb is still working. Tiny seams or openings in the ductwork around the light will allow you the opportunity to see the blue light operation. Depending on how recently the bulb went out, you may also see biological growth on the indoor coil, which would also be a sign that the bulb needs to be replaced. Asking your HVAC technician about how to check the UV light bulb during your installation or maintenance appointment will provide you with the most specific instructions for your application.
What Happens If You Don’t Change The UV Light Bulb?
If you fail to replace a burnt-out UV light bulb, you will not be able to take advantage of the benefits that the UV light can provide in your home. It won’t be effective at cleaning the air or killing biological growth on the coils and ductwork’s surface. We recommend checking your UV bulb during your monthly furnace filter replacement to stay most up to date with the bulb’s status.
Should You Change The UV Light Bulb Yourself?
If you think your UV light bulb has gone out or you have other concerns about your UV Light Purifier, contact our team. We always recommend having a trained Logan Services technician change your UV light bulb. Changing a UV light yourself comes with risks, including electrical shock, bursting a bulb, and eye irritation/blindness. Our team is experienced with handling the different parts of the heating and cooling system, including your UV light bulb and how to change them.
Don’t hesitate to call our fast, friendly team in Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati to ask about clean air products, including our UV Light Purifiers.