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Buying your first home is a big life change, full of new processes and responsibilities. While you may think your…

As we near the end of summer, be mindful of all the landscaping materials that have collected around your outdoor air…

During a recent episode of the HGTV show Rehab Addict, Nicole Curtis decides to invest in a ductless, Mitsubishi mini-split…

Do you have a home that has no ductwork?  Are there rooms in your home that are not always occupied?…

The summer season is fast approaching! Is your home ready for the upcoming heat? While you may have all of your plans…

While ductless HVAC systems are often portrayed as a new technology, they have been solving heating and cooling issues in the United States…

We all have that one room in our home that is always uncomfortable. Whether it be due to insufficient ductwork, poor insulation, or…

SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is the measurement used for both air conditioning and heat pump cooling efficiencies. The higher…

If you are ready to ditch your old A/C unit and you are thinking about upgrading, there are many things…

Ductless heating and cooling systems are becoming more common throughout the Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati areas, but do you really…


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