We have made it through a holiday season, and now it’s time to go into a new decade! The New Year calls for resolutions. Do you have some home improvement resolutions on your list? You may not know what the best home improvement projects are, or you may be wondering where to even start.
Here are some home improvement tips to check off your list for 2020.
Get Organized
Part of the New Year is getting rid of the old to make room for the new. Go through each room in your home and organize and de-clutter. While going through items have a box ready for items that can be donated, this way you can give back while cleaning out your home.
Clean Out Refrigerator & Pantry
It’s a great time to clean out food that has outlived it’s “best by” date both in your refrigerator and pantry. You can also do some organizing in the pantry with ordering what things need to be used first and last. Ordering your pantry can ensure that you are using items by their dates and that way there will be less waste.
Create A Weekly Cleaning Schedule
Whether it’s putting dishes in the dishwasher every night or sweeping every Wednesday, create a cleaning schedule to keep your home tidy and sparkling. Then when hosting or entertaining, you don’t have to cram all the cleaning in the few hours before everyone arrives.
Clean Floors & Carpets
This is the perfect time to clean carpets and flooring; the holidays are over and you don’t have as much foot traffic from hosting family and friends. If you aren’t sure where to start, you could have a professional come in, or you could always rent a machine to clean your floors.
Invest In Smart Home Devices
Smart home devices can definitely make your home more comfortable. These devices can save you money on energy bills, help with your home’s security, and also just make life a little easier. A system like Trane Home Automation provided by Logan Services is one great tool to consider investing in with a new heating and cooling system. This smart home device can benefit you and your home in many ways. It’s a thermostat but with many different features; you can even control it from your mobile device when you are away! If you’d like to learn more about smart home devices that can be paired with your HVAC upgrade, contact us today.
From your friends at Logan Services A/C, Heat & Plumbing, we wish you a happy, healthy and productive New Year!