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Category: Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to Chris Jones! He is our winner of the 8th Annual A/C Giveaway. Chris is a lively dad of five kids…

Much excitement comes to our area as the PGA Tour golf tournament comes to town the week of Memorial Day,…

WINNER ALERT: Our recipient of the $250 Ticketmaster Gift Card has been selected! Congratulations to….Stacie W. from Tipp City! Stacie was thrilled to…

Look who’s ready for SPRING! Meet the winner of our ‘Hop Into Spring’ Gift Basket Giveaway…. Janet P. from Worthington! When asked…

It’s time to announce the winner of our 8th-Annual Trane Furnace Giveaway! Congratulations to……James & Shaunna B. from West Chester!…

Back again for the 8th consecutive year, Logan Services is giving a free furnace to a local, deserving family – complete with installation! …

Secret Santa strikes again! We are excited to announce the THIRD WINNER of our giveaway….Clara & Bobby D.! Clara shared with us that…

Congratulations to our SECOND WINNER of the Secret Santa Giveaway! Mary Clare S. from Hamilton is the recipient of a new Amazon Echo!…

NEW WINNER: We’ve ‘wrapped up’ our Secret Santa Giveaway, and it’s time to announce our first winner! Congratulations to Marcia S.!…

Congratulations to the winner of our “Battle of Ohio” Football Tickets….Dustin H.! Dustin is a long-time Bengals fan and his…


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