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Like any appliance, a furnace can lose efficiency over time. The older your heating system is, the more wear and…

If you are like many homeowners, you’ve probably experienced hot and cold spots in certain areas of your house. While…

While the colder weather continues to come and go through this last stretch of winter, homeowners may be getting anxious…

While we’ve been fortunate enough to have a mild winter so far, the cold seasonal temperatures have finally arrived in…

Have you felt the extra humidity in the air this week? This is just a small taste of what we…

Here at Logan A/C & Heat Services, we are eager to help new and existing customers alike. Referrals are the lifeblood of our…

Is your home ready for the seasonal change to cooler weather? As we transition away from summer, there are a…

Spring is here! Even with the focus on spring cleaning, it can be easy to miss out on one of…

Procrastinating is one of the easiest things to do, but it often ends up costing us the most. That is…

The falling temperatures outside mean we might be turning the heat on inside. When you flip that switch for the…


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