Are you ready to get outside and start planting any new flowers, bushes or trees in these upcoming weekends?
Before you get too far into the gardening and landscaping ideas, be mindful of the allergy sufferers in your home. Because flowers produce pollen that can overwhelm allergy sufferers, consider those with these allergies and be strategic with your plants this year.
Plants That Can Trigger Allergies
Here are some common flowers TO AVOID if you or someone close to you suffers from allergies:
- Chamomile
- Daisies
- Goldenrod
- Chrysanthemums
In addition, there are also certain trees that are NOT RECOMMENDED for allergy sufferers: Oak, Poplar, Hickory, Walnut, and Ash
Allergy-Friendly Plants
Now, before you scrap all of your plans to create a beautiful yard and landscape, there are ways to make your garden allergy-friendly! Experts suggest these gardening and landscaping plants as the LEAST ALLERGY-PROVOKING:
- Petunias
- Orchids
- Roses
- Snapdragons
- Zinnias
- Violets
- Tulips
- Impatients
- Begonias
- Hydrangeas
- Geraniums
- Azaleas
In addition, there are also certain trees that are RECOMMENDED for seasonal allergy sufferers: Eucalyptus, Flowering Crabapple, Cherry, Pear, Dogwood and Magnolia
Clean Air Products For The Allergy-Sufferer
If you’ve planted safely, but are still feeling the effects of seasonal allergies while inside your home, it may be time to consider looking at our indoor air quality products for optimum allergen filtration.