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Logan AC & Heat Services Blog

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Developed through a partnership between industry leaders Mitsubishi Electric and Trane, the Intelli-Heat Coil System represents a major innovation in…

There are several actions the United States is taking to reduce its carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. The…

What is a Furnace Tune-Up? A furnace tune-up is an annual maintenance service where a qualified HVAC technician will thoroughly…

Getting an annual furnace tune-up before winter hits is one of the best ways to ensure your system runs safely…

Are you considering powering your air conditioner with solar panels? Solar panels can be an effective way to power your…

With summer heating up, many homeowners start thinking about replacing old, inefficient air conditioning units. Upgrading to a new system…

When researching and comparing heat pumps, you’ll come across two efficiency ratings – HSPF and HSPF2. These acronyms stand for…

When shopping for a new air conditioner or heat pump, you’ll see efficiency ratings like “14 SEER” or “14 SEER2.”…

Furnace tune-ups are routine maintenance appointments designed to keep your heating system running efficiently and safely, but some homeowners wonder…

Are you searching for “how often to tune up furnace?” We’ve got you covered. Your furnace is a vital part…

Scheduling a furnace tune up with a licensed HVAC specialist is one of the smartest ways to maintain your home’s…

Replacing an old, inefficient furnace with a new heating system can make your home more comfortable while saving money on…

It can be alarming when your furnace makes a loud noise when turning on. But while concerning, it’s often a…

An unusually noisy furnace likely signals a problem. While some furnace sounds are normal, loud noises, excessive banging, pitched squealing,…

If you’re hearing strange noises coming from your furnace blower motor, it likely indicates a problem that needs attention. A…

Is your furnace making noise when off? Are you eager to uncover the mystery behind these sounds and silence them…

Are you troubled by banging noises coming from your furnace? These unexpected sounds can disturb your peace and indicate potential…

Unusual smells coming from your furnace can be a sign of a bigger problem. Understanding the most common causes of…

The installation of a new furnace is an exciting time. You’ve invested in a more energy-efficient system to keep your…

An annual furnace tune-up is one of the most important maintenance tasks you can do to keep your home’s heating…


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