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A frequent question our experts get at Logan Services is if the customer should leave the fan on their air…

Choosing the right location for your home’s AC thermostat can significantly impact your overall comfort and energy bills. Keep reading…

Central air conditioning is a popular and efficient way to cool a home or building. But what is central air,…

If you’ve noticed that your air conditioner’s outdoor fan has stopped spinning, then it may be time to seek help….

Is your air conditioner suddenly leaking water? If yes, then it may be a matter of concern. Not only can…

When your air conditioning unit is running properly, it provides comfort during the hot months. But if you’ve noticed strange…

Have you ever noticed water dripping from your home’s air vents? This can be a concerning issue, as it not…

Has your heat pump reached retirement age or broken down on you beyond repair? If you are budgeting for HVAC…

There are several ways to generate heat for your home in Ohio, and much of it has to do with…

When it’s time to purchase a new furnace, whether fueled by natural gas or propane, one of the most important…


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