It won’t be long before witches, zombies, and ghosts will be roaming the streets in pursuit of their ‘trick or treat’ candy. While they are doing so, an actual terror may already be in your home, draining your energy supply. Unlike Halloween creatures, these cold weather terrors known as “energy vampires” are all too real, and they are running up your energy bills!
Simple Adjustments Can Save You Money
The average American household owns 25+ electronic devices, all taking their turn contributing to monthly electric bills. While there is some necessary, unavoidable usage, there are several simple and convenient strategies that will help you drive a stake through energy vampires.
- Unplug devices that aren’t in use, such as cell phone chargers; consider using a power strip.
- Put your computer in sleep mode and power down video game consoles.
- Upgrade to energy-efficient lightbulbs.
- Use a programmable thermostat to for your heating and cooling system.
- Consider upgrading any old, inefficient appliances.
Go ahead and count up your home electronic devices. See if you can identify any of these ‘vampires’ that suck energy from your home while not providing any useful function. While none of these strategies will eliminate your bill entirely, they can help you slay energy vampires while saving you money.
A Big Offender: Your HVAC System
Did you know that heating and cooling costs can account for up to 50% of an average home’s energy usage? Because your HVAC system is the biggest energy user in your home, the cost to operate the system is an important factor in determining when to replace it. If your system is older, it could be consuming a lot of energy.
In addition, if you’ve recently experienced a few furnace breakdowns, costly service calls could also deplete your savings. Consider taking advantage of the current local utility rebates that are available right now when you upgrade your equipment.
Tired of your furnace TRICKING you? Get a TREAT from our team this heating season!
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