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End Of Season Furnace Check

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Your furnace was put through quite a workout this winter trying to keep your home comfortable as it battled the extreme elements of the season.

With warmer temperatures on the way this week, homeowners need to start to think about the steps they should take when it comes time to switching over from heating to cooling for the spring.

Perform a Safety Check

The older your furnace gets, the more chances it has of developing problems that are undetectable to the human eye. A cracked combustion chamber or heat exchanger are a couple of these issues that can go unknown without proper inspection by a professional.

Replace Your Furnace Filter

Efficiency of your system can noticeably increase with the frequent replacement of your furnace filter.  Your home will also benefit from regular filter replacement if you or anyone in your family suffers from seasonal allergies.

Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector

A real concern for any homeowner’s furnace should be carbon monoxide. If you have an older furnace, you have a higher chance of having a leak somewhere in your system, which could be dangerous if high levels of carbon monoxide enter your home. Install carbon monoxide detectors near your furnace and throughout the main living spaces in your home so that any potential leak can be quickly detected.

Consider Replacement

If your furnace is more than 15 years old, you may have reached the point where your system is just wasting fuel and energy. Furnaces more than 20 years old typically only operate at about 60% efficiency, while newer models operate at around 98%.

Keep comfortable in this year, and let our team know if we can help with any heating or cooling needs!

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