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2017 Furnace Winner Announcement

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It’s finally time to announce the winner of our 7th-Annual Furnace Giveaway! Congratulations to……..Greg from Huber Heights!

Greg and his family of 3 was nominated by his parents. His mom wrote, “We want to win a furnace for our son, who’s furnace is original to his 1970’s home. It’s an old system that has been worked on so many times. Our son works constantly to keep up with the family’s bills and he still finds time to help his mom, dad, and mother-in-law when they need it. If he won, the worry of the financial burden of their furnace going out would be off his mind, which would be a fantastic thing! Please pick them!”

We couldn’t agree more! Greg, his wife, and thirteen year-old son are the 2017 winners of our big giveaway! We installed a new FREE Trane furnace at their home this weekend.

Greg was very appreciative of the new furnace, and he had this to say: “The new furnace works great. The installers did an awesome job. No more crossing my fingers in the cold of winter – thanks so much Logan Services!”

Want to be our next winner? Check out our Giveaway page!

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